Monday, July 9, 2007

So Much Anxiety

I'm feeling so anxious and worried today. I'm sick of this!

Holden didn't get tested today. Long story.. but basically there aren't any peditricians that do the Lyme test through the IngeneX lab. Which is the most accurate process. We didn't want to put him through the torture of getting his blood taken just to get a Western Blot test that has about 10% accuracy.

I want to know if Holden has this God awful disease so we can treat him NOW. I just hate not knowing. It drives me nuts.

The IgeneX test cost $245. That is just to tell you if you have Borreliosis (the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease). There is a more expensive test that is upwards of $300 that will tell you if you have any of the co-infections as well.

I just had the $245 test that confirmed I have Lyme.. but as far as co-infections, I have no idea! That drives me crazy as well. From what I've read you have to treat co-infections FIRST. The co-infections aren't bacteria.. which means antibiotics will do NOTHING to them. Talk about frustrating!!

I'm just ready for this nightmare to be over. I'm sick of waking up to this everyday. I want to be better, COMPLETELY better and to know that my son and husband are not sick. Is that too much to ask?


Corey~living and loving said...

oh Lauren....I can not even fathom your worry! I wish I could take on some of your anxiety and give you a break!