Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Better Day Today!

Today I'm feeling quite a bit better. More like myself. Well not totally I still feel very lightheaded. But hey it's better than the last few days where the room was spinning and every part of me hurt.

So that is great!!!!!!

I will get through this.. I need to stay positive. I know it could be so so much worse. I just want to get completely better and let this be a distant memory. I know I will take so much out of this experience.

1) I won't ever forget to apply the dog's tick treatment.

2) I will put on bug spray more often. Before I thought it was too much of a hassle. Ha! So naive.

3) I will have more knowledge, so much more knowledge, of everything relating to tick borne illnesses. I will know the proper way to remove a tick.

4) I won't take simple things for granted. Like going to the store and not having to stop a million times because I feel faint.

5) And more than anything I will have learned about a secret epidemic. I will remember all the people I've read about that have had a much bigger fight with this nasty disease than I am having.

I want to end with an interesting article that I read. If you have a lot of time on your hands (it's a long one) check it out!!


Laura said...

I'm glad you had a better day today, Lauren! I'm learning so much about Lyme just by the information and tips you're posting. I'm grateful for that, although I wish I didn't have to watch a friend walk through this. More hugs to you!

Corey~living and loving said...

Everything Laura said and more. I am thinking of you often!