Saturday, September 15, 2007

Down in the Dumps

I feel very depressed today. I started back up on my antibiotics today and I feel horrible. I guess that is a good thing, but right now I feel sad. I have no energy and I feel terribly nauseous. I'm so sick of feeling wiped out. I just want to feel normal. I feel soooooooo bad for Holden. I can't even hardly play with him. I am just so tired. I've been sleeping in so late in the morning. This morning I didn't get up until 10:30!! Yikes.

I'm sure this depression will pass soon. I just felt like writing about it because it seems to help when I put my feelings into words. I know things could be worse and that thought really keeps my head up. I read about a boy named Dustin who had lyme disease. It was so debilitating (sp?) that he had to stop going to school and be home schooled. He was 8 when that happened and he is now 11. I can't imagine how hard that would be. I try to think about him when I'm feeling down. His Mom posted on a message board I go to. She said that he never feels sorry for himself and that he doesn't get discouraged. He just keeps on going, keeping his head up. I admire that and strive to be more like him. Here is Dustin's website